Thursday, August 14, 2008


Blake has never been one to like wearing hats, until today that is. He found some hats in my closet this morning and has had fun with them. Dad will be proud that he is wearing his K-State purple!

Purple, or burple in Blake's language, is his favorite color lately. He loves his purple crayon and even colored his sister purple! Yes, that's right!! I walked into the room the other day to see purple crayon stripes drawn on Brenna's onesie. Poor girl.


R and L Farwell said...

fun story!

Becky Bartlett said...

I love burple too. good color pick, blake! I bet the purple stripes looked good on miss brenna!

The Jones Family said...

Wow I bet your have your hands full. I am just learning how it is to have two children by myself. Fun, but can be overwhelming.