Sunday, February 8, 2009


Nolan and I just commented the other day that we have been fortunate enough to have not experienced the stomach flu with either of our kids yet. Not so fortunate anymore- the stomach flu is here in full force.

Poor Blake and Brenna both have the flu, meaning many, many, many loads of laundry and very little sleep for everyone in the house. It breaks my heart that I can't do anything to help them feel better.


Becky Bartlett said...

Oh no!! that's too bad. Poor things... hope everyone feels better very soon. Do you and Nolan have it also??

Anonymous said...

No, thankfully Nolan and I haven't gotten sick and hopefully it will stay that way!

STEPHANIE. said...

bummer...thats no you guys see a chiropractor? that may help prevent and help you all feel better?