Thursday, February 5, 2009


Well, I know it's been a while since I've had an actual update on what has been going on around our house. Truth is, SO MUCH has been going on and that is the reason for my lack of blogging as of late.

First things first, we sold our house! We are thrilled to have it sold, but are closing on March 17th... meaning we have about 6 weeks to find a house or find something until we do find our next house. We looked at 5 houses yesterday and one today but haven't found 'it' yet.

Since my last update I have also taught my first college class! I have a great group of students and have really enjoyed teaching. I do love being a stay at home mom, but it's nice to get out once a week to teach.

Blake and Brenna are doing great (although Blake is getting over another episode of croup). Blake will be turning 2 next week! I can hardly believe it. We are constantly amazed at how fast he picks things up. Right now we are learning lower case letters... he's mastered all uppercase and even recognizes several small words. He wanted to wear his dad's sweat shirt in this picture... he looks forward to Nolan getting home from work all day long. Throughout the day he says, 'Daddy at work in white car, be back this afternoon.'

Brenna is doing well. She is a great eater but still just a petite little thing. No signs of crawling yet which goes right along with her personality. She is so laid back and content just to sit and watch Blake running around the house. I will post some pictures of our little peanut soon! =)


Erika said...

The news about your house is great!! We'll pray God brings just the right thing along. We miss you all. :(

Ashley Schrage said...

CONGRATS on selling the house! That's very exciting :)

STEPHANIE. said...

Yay congrats on the house and with teaching! You do have lots going on